Nested Living Declares A Climate Emergency

Before Covid-19, we were a purposeful company that cared for the wellbeing of the end-user. However, we did not focus enough on sustainability and its own impact on the environment. Given that the built environment is a major contributor towards global emissions, we realised we had to take a stand and no longer work in half measures.
We pivoted the company in 2021 to purely concentrate on providing regenerative solutions for the interiors of the future.
Nested Living’s Green Policy
Basic Policy
“Sustainable development” is the most important issue for our planet, the human race, and all business entities in the 21st century.
At Nested Living, we apply green thinking to every action and every decision to benefit our customers, our community and our employees.
Through all products, and services, we will strive to contribute to “sustainable development, regenerating for a better life” by initiatives to address climate change, promote resource circulation, ensure chemical safety, preservation for regional environment and biodiversity conservation.
Our aim is to be net zero by 2030 by reducing our emissions and impact on biodiversity. Concern for both people and the planet are not new to us and we look forward to continuing to share our journey and ensuring our voice is part of the collective, resounding call for change.
Action Guidelines
Following the UN sustainable goals our targets are as follows;
Goal 3. Good Health and well-being
By 2030 substantially reduce the number of deaths and illnesses from hazardous chemicals and air, water and soil pollution and contamination.
We plan to do this by only working with recycled, upcycled and natural materials with low formaldehyde content and low VOC’s.
By educating, designing and creating healthy spaces that are toxin free, free from pollutants and better for your health.
Goal 12: responsible Consumption and Production.
By 2030 achieve the sustainable management and efficient use of national resources-
Use only FSC certified wood sources, cradle to cradle.
Develop a full transparent supply chain, all traceable materials with technology developed to connect the end user with the manufacture in a loop system to ensure repurposing.
By 2030 achieve the environmentally sound management of chemicals and all wastes throughout their life cycle, in accordance with agreed international frameworks, and significantly reduce their release to air, water and soil in order to minimize their adverse impacts on human health and the environment.
Use only natural or biomaterials.
By 2030 substantially reduce waste generation through prevention, reduction, recycling and reuse
Design out waste of all products, all waste on site to be repurposed.
Encourage companies, especially large and transnational companies to adopt sustainable practices and to integrate sustainability information into their reporting cycle.
Focus on reducing our carbon footprint by reducing energy use (electricity and gas) and reducing vehicle emissions.
Reduce waste in day-to-day office operations.
Implement a green training program for all employees, including all management personnel.
Invest in electric vehicles, develop efficient ways of conserving energy in manufacture, and in the workplace.
We will reduce water use in our manufacture and also daily use in the workplace.
Minimising waste and recycling more.
Design out all waste in manufacture, using any waste back in the manufacture cycle.
Look at ways of packaging and only using reusable/compostable materials.
By 2030 ensure people everywhere have the relevant information and awareness for sustainable development and lifestyles in harmony with nature. Minimising harm to the environment.
Net Zero;
- To be net zero by 2030 by reducing emissions and impact on biodiversity, Covering Scope 1 & 2, both in operational emissions and on clients’ projects.
- Scope 3- on all products produced by 2030.
- As change-makers we will help to Influence the industry, and raise awareness of the climate and biodiversity emergencies amongst our clients and supply chains, advocating for faster change
- We will share knowledge and research
- Work towards life cycle costing, whole life carbon modelling and post-occupancy evaluation
- Act to address the disproportionate impact of these crises on disadvantaged communities
- Ensure diverse and inclusive principles are implemented in hiring and retaining staff
What does declaring a climate and ecological breakdown emergency mean?
There are many different definitions but broadly, declaring a climate emergency is an acknowledgement that fundamental change is required in order to respond to scientific predictions of global warming.
This change must mitigate climate breakdown, defined as an irreversible change to the earth and the extinction of many species. Kite is;
- Committed to tell the truth about the reality of the climate breakdown. This is an emergency and we will treat it as one.
- Acting now to take radical steps to halt biodiversity loss and reduce greenhouse gas emissions to net-zero by 2030.
- We are stronger together, and we are collaborating with others to create new solutions together.
Business Declares an Emergency
We are hugely proud to have joined Business Declares, along with all the other participating businesses who acknowledge the Climate and Ecological Emergency. As business leaders we declare a Climate and Ecological Emergency. We have all recognised that it is critical for humanity ti evolve to a point where we can coexist with nature and the environment with minimal negative impact.
We raise awareness across the business sector of the imperative to accelerate action to address climate change, biodiversity loss and social injustice. We are part of a coalition of the willing looking to collaborate and accelerate action. We urge faster action than the Paris agreement.